Ezy Reading
A Fond Farewell (now who IS Dave Brat?)
Evan Kanarakis


Oh Eric!
We hardly knew you…
Even that tearful agitator Boehner is laughing now
Giggling through puffs of yet another menthol cigarette

What will we remember most?
The opposition to gun control? To same-sex marriage?
Or those extended news conferences, taking swings at Obama’s economic recovery plan
(without a viable alternative of your own in sight)

Or shall we miss most your ceaseless opportunism?
Your love to play nothing more than spoiler?
Steadfastly believing that the only good way to deal with the President
Was to oppose every single facet of his agenda

When you’re not deemed conservative enough for an electorate
What the hell now been left in your wake?
Oh Eric.
We knew you plenty enough…


Ezy Reading is out every month.
