2016 has undoubtedly been, thus far, one of the most tumultuous years in a very long time...
I’ve written recently about the American presidential elections...
If you’re not an American, you’re probably sick of hearing about the 2016 United States presidential election...
G’day there, name is Frank...
What once was no longer is...
I recently read Simone Weil’s short essay “On the Abolition of All Political Parties”...
I'm sure there are many non-Americans who are dumbstruck at the circus going on in the U.S. about gun control...
In Orange in the Central West...
I need to complain about a dishonest poser in the 2016 presidential-election cycle...
Would you want to live forever?
The 2016 electoral season has arguably been one of the most venomous in living memory...
Nearly thirty years ago, my godparents purchased a decaying log cabin in rural Maine...