'Revolution' is strictly defined as 'a forcible overthrow of government or social order, in favor of a new system or set of conditions'...
From the outset, let's be clear: we do actually have a season in Australia called 'winter', it's just an altogether different experience to what locals know and cringe...
1) There is nothing noble about Queens … even though it sounds pretty...
I took a book in to the park, the sun and air to meet And every canine in the parish pissed against my seat...
" … Scars of self-harm, tattooing and body piercing are often associated with diagnosis of personality disorders or substance misuse..."
We all know that the quickest way to get from one place to another is in a straight line: this is fundamental geometry. But whether it is also fundamental laziness is a question of where one wishes to go...
The rain it came and went A torrent...
In the period prior to 1914 the entire resources of the Prussian state were directed towards strengthening the territorial influence and supremacy of the greater nation...