Your Mockroscope For The Month

Lazy Eye


This month we explore those little reflective moments in life where, I believe, restraint may be best exercised.

Here are post coital sentences that, according to your star signs, each of you should best avoid…


Libra – Should we head back to the family reunion now?

Scorpio – That’s the first time with a living person.

Sagittarius – The stoma wasn’t as messy as I thought.

Capricorn – How are we going to clean this tabernacle?

Aquarius – Having your family watch wasn’t half as weird as it would be!

Pisces – Next time I think we should use less wasabi.

Aries – Do you feel a burning sensation too?

Taurus – You have the right to remain silent.

Gemini – Now you’ve got the small pox vaccine.

Cancer – That made my ears itchy.

Leo – Now I know why they call you tic tac.

Virgo – So yeah, I guess that does work as lube.

