Poetry From The Cud:
Fuck It All
Zend Lakdavala


Fuck the mountains
Fuck the lees,
Fuck the meadows
Fuck the trees.

Fuck the river
Fuck the sea,
Fuck the poet
Fuck poetry.

Fuck the stars
That twinkle in the sky,
Fuck the clouds
That make us cry.

Fuck thunder, loud
And Lightning bolt,
Fuck the aesthete
Fuck, even more, the dolt.

Fuck the liquor
That promises too much,
Fuck the cigarette—
Its cancerous crutch.

Fuck the grass
Fuck your ass,
Fuck the hunt
For your fetid cunt.

Fuck the fornication
And fuck the blow,
Fuck the love
That betrayed me so.

Fuck the wars
Which fuck the peace,
Fuck all men who
Fuck all beasts.

Fuck you
And fuck me;
Fuck, really,
All humanity.

Fuck the moon,
Its lunatism,
Fuck the earth,
Its solar system.

Fuck the world
And all trapped in it,
Fuck the universe—
But, fuck—first—who willed it.


