Every so often, we'll highlight a site from the World Wide Web that offers a slightly different perspective...


The Udder Limits:

The Fight Over Gun Control Isn't Really About Guns

This TIME Magazine article written in the aftermath of the recent tragedy in Las Vegas makes a pertinent point:

The challenge in bringing change is that the debate over gun rights isn't really about guns at all. It's about what they represent: cherished freedoms, a reverence for independence. The guns are a rejection of political correctness that creeps into everything. Even the most incremental move to constrain deadly weaponry seems to many Americans to cut against their rights. In the blood-soaked scene on the Vegas Strip, those deeply held beliefs collide with our collective horror. The question now, as the victims try to make sense of slaughter on a military scale, is where do we draw the line?

Where do we draw the line indeed? Enough is enough. And this is required reading.

