(Jan 2020) There & Back:
The Australian Bushfires- A Blanket of Smoke
Tom Chesson


Smoke scars across the landscape even hundreds of kilometres from the nearest fire are a constant feature of this summer. Canberra has not been immune and has on a number of occasions this summer claimed the dubious title of having the most polluted air of any city in the world...













Tom grew up on a farm in far western NSW and knew at a young age his shooting was best done with a camera. With a journalism, media adviser, CEO and now  with his new job working on a plan to release the carp herpes virus into Australia's waterways, photography is part of Tom's everyday work. Outside Australia's capital cities is where Tom does most of his shooting and wandering around regional and rural Australia is home to his 'happy place'. Tom usually has a camera on him and can be followed via Twitter @tomchesson01
